Only 52 Days of Left of Summer!


I've done some complex calculations and I have determined that there are only 52 days of summer left. That's right, folks. 52 days left to eat popsicles, rub your toes in the sand, invite friends for impromptu backyard barbecues, and blame your general feeling of lethargy on the season. So let's make a countdown list: an itemized, prioritized, indexed rundown of everything to get done before its over!


Here's what's on mine. You can bet I'll be blogging these things so that you hold me to it: 1. Make and eat homemade ice cream sandwiches. 2. Find a new pair of sunglasses (I've had my old ones for way too long!) 3. Spend an entire day without opening my computer or turning on my phone. 4. Make a roadtrip playlist for the car. 5. Go for a swim (Can you believe I haven't yet this year?) What's on yours? 

Images: 1. Life Magazine August 1953 2. @TeamWoodnote Instagram 3. Jeana Sohn 4. @CitySage Instagram

  1. Hmm, eat sweetcorn, go on a picnic, get a snow cone, use up my suntan lotion, catch fire flies! Thanks for reminding me to get going on there! Jo Ann

  2. Oooh, take the ferry to Governors Island, go up to the Cloisters, hit up the Van Leeuwen ice cream truck a few times, eat lunch in the park at least once a week until the end of the summer, actually take advantage of my half day fridays…

  3. Ha! 52 days if you don’t live in SF! I am planning to leave town to get that summer feel. I better get a move on. I needed that reminder. 🙂

  4. I need to go swimming too! It’s so silly that we have not done it. miss ya face.

  5. I’ve been wanting new sunnies too! I’d also like to read at LEAST one book, go on a road trip, and have patio brunch!

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  7. Ha! 52 days if you don’t live in SF! I am planning to leave town to get that summer feel. I better get a move on. I needed that reminder. 🙂

  8. I’ve been wanting new sunnies too! I’d also like to read at LEAST one book, go on a road trip, and have patio brunch!
    yes,do you?

  9. I’m thinking about copying some of your to-dos. Definitely swimming and ice-cream sandwich making. To endless summers!

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