Under the Weather: Sick Day Essentials


Being self-employed has it's advantages, but like anything there are drawbacks too–and getting sick when you are your own boss is especially tough. Oh sure, I could tell myself to take the day off and kick this wicked head cold, but there's words to be smithed! Emails to be drafted! Meetings to be taken! And never mind that I just moved to LA and still haven't found an apartment…


So just as blogging can be the perfect shopping band-aid for that outfit you didn't buy, it's also appeasement for the sick day you didn't take. Raise your hand if you could use a solid 48-hours at home with your favorite PJ pants, an endless supply of classic romcoms, your granny's zany backwoods cold remedy, and steamy showers with a zesty sinus-clearing soap. Who's with me?

P.S. The above remedy isn't via my granny, it's from Jessica Taylor of Disregarden. Lemon, honey, Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar in a tea base. If it tastes bad, you know it's working. Clears skin and speeds metabolism too! Disclaimer: She's making me say this, you guys.

  1. This post is spot ON, Anne!! Seriously, could use those 48 hours!! And LOVE your picks! Especially the PJs and the movie pics (totally have that set of Katherine Hepburn films!!)!

  2. gah….feel better, anne! i’m all for your cozying up and watching a gajillion romcoms! didn’t realize you moved to LA! welcome!

  3. Hope you feel better quickly! My mom used to always give me honey, lemon, hot water and a shot of brandy- i’m sure that was just to knock me out so I wouldn’t complain 🙂

  4. Yes, Kate Hepburn is the perfect sick-day companion. But if you do still insist on working, might I suggest spilling a little bourbon in that crazy tea concoction? 😉

  5. Feel better soon! I’m feeling pretty brilliant right now because I randomly started doing that tea for colds because I figured all of those things are good for you. Glad it’s been confirmed!

  6. Hahahah! I am NOT making you, I am reminding you of the benefits so you continue to drink it (even if it tastes gross!) xo

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