Photographers on Instagram: Two to Follow

Emily johnston instagram

While I mostly follow friends and social media colleagues on Instagram, there's something about stalking perusing a professional photographer's feed that is particularly satisfying. When I'm not fawning over their framing, subject matter, and ability to capture light, I pick up a few tips to inform my own iPhonography skills. Here are two faves that I'm especially loving of late.


New Yorker Emily Johnston (above) has a way with still-life vignettes that makes me want to jump through the glass and into her world. Alan Jensen (below) is an Australian interiors and lifestyle photographer based in Amsterdam. His shots of snow and hot soup have me thinking that winter might not be such a bad thing after all. (Okay, I'm InstaCrushing on him.) Follow these two STAT, you guys!   

P.S. Who are your top Instagram recs right now? Tell me!

  1. wow – those are so, so good! i really struggle with instagram b/c if i follow too many people i feel like i can’t/don’t actually engage with my friends/family… but great photography can almost always make my day. will have to peruse their feeds… thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks Anne! I am obsessed with Instagram right now!! I’ll definately look these two up.(I’m enjoying following you!! I’m tarheelpip!)

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