Minimalist Interiors Inspiration for My New House!

Now that I not longer have the excuse of the post-holiday lull, it’s time to get cracking on decorating my new house! We’re in that weird limbo state that always happens after a move: we purged a lot of our belongings during the transition, and the remaining pieces just don’t quiiiiiite work in the new space. The sofa’s a bit too big. The dining table’s a bit too dark. The dresser’s a bit too tall. The desk is a bit too broad. I guess what I’m trying to say is…let’s scrap it all and start from scratch!

I of course have a very clear vision of how I want it to look and feel when it’s complete. Our old place felt so cramped and cluttered even though I kept adornment to a minimum, so I really want to emphasize a sense of floating and lightness in the new house. We started by refinishing the floors before we even moved in, and I’m absolutely loving the pale, washed-out shade of grey that we stained them. I’m almost loathe to cover them up with rugs and am contemplating bare floors throughout most rooms!

Furnishings wise, I know I’m on the lookout for pale woods that highlight a natural grain; upholsteries in textures like felt, velvet, leather and linen; and surface finishes in brass, glass, blackened steel, concrete, and ceramic. I’m pinning like a mad woman over on my New House pinterest board if you wanna have a gander—and of course stay tuned here as I bring the vision to life!

Images: 1. 2. 3. 4.