Saturday morning I opened the mailbox to discover my October issue of Martha Stewart Living nestled amongst a stack of bills and flyers. Score! I rationed the precious pages out carefully, reading the columns over lunch and afternoon coffee the first day, then delving into the features at Sunday brunch. By last night I had dog-eared my favorite fall decorating ideas.
I've always loved branches in a vase for spring, and I was all over the whole embroidery-floss-on-a-stick thing last January, so I'm totally psyched to see it reinterpreted for an autumn buffet table in rustic colors like pumpkin, wheat, and rust. Grouped with pinecones and Chinese lantern flowers it feels like a brand new take on what was already a terrific concept.
I have an ongoing collection of vintage black and white snapshots (I just can't help myself; when I see a good one at a flea market or garage sale, I must snap it up!) so I can definitely appreciate this wall! I don't think I could ever be as bold as this homeowner but I am inspired perhaps to fill a large frame or two with my photos. They're such a conversation starter!
And finally, have you ever seen simple autumn leaves looking so sophisticated? These guys are proof that you don't have to get all showy in the fall to have major impact. Sometimes a subdued statement in soft greens and understated reds is just fine, thank you very much. Add a few mums and some sorghum for texture, pop them in a bottle glass vase, and let them do their thing!
Images: Martha Stewart Living, October 2012. It's an especially good one, you guys! Definitely worth a trip to the newsstand if you don't have a subscription.
i NEED a photo-covered wall like that. it might be time for me to start hoarding b/w photos…
Thanks for the little peek, Anne. Looks promising!!
Gasp! That photo wall is pretty spectacular! Yeah, in the back of my mind I’m hearing, “But the DUST!” But not before I hear “FANTASTIC!”
The City Sage: Fall Decorating Ideas: Martha Stewart Living October
The City Sage: Fall Decorating Ideas: Martha Stewart Living October
The City Sage: Fall Decorating Ideas: Martha Stewart Living October
DenaSWP: hot pants weight loss shorts
The City Sage: Fall Decorating Ideas: Martha Stewart Living October