I have the utmost respect for anyone who can make the mundane marvelous with nothing more than ingenuity and elbow grease. And while I consider myself a clever enough gal, when it comes to DIY I'm useless. I couldn't hammer my way out of a paper bag, anything more advanced than an Ikea assembly sends me running for the hills, and last night (no joke) I had an anxiety dream in which I couldn't achieve a smooth coat of paint on a wall no matter how many brush strokes I applied.
That said, I regularly find myself with items that I'm not using but that I'm loathe to part with. So last spring I teamed up with ulive—a new lifestyle video site that merges fun original series with content from HGTV, the Food Network, and more—to film a few projects for the toolbox-phobic amongst us. The series is less about DIY and more about finding ways to give old treasures new meaning in your home. It's called 5 Things with Anne Sage, and you can see the first two here and here. Thanks for checking them out, and enjoy!