Splendid Pasadena Store Opening Party

Striped style

True story: I'm wearing stripes right now. Of course, on any given day the odds that you'll catch me in stripes are pretty darn good. They so easily cover all the bases! Stripes can be girly or tomboyish, preppy or boho. With the right scale and proportion they're flattering to all body types.  And best of all, when you're feeling down their perky personality lifts you right up. 

Splendid stripes

Frankly, no one does stripes quite like Splendid. And the fact that they're opening a store a mere 10 minutes from my house is dangerous indeed! If you're in the LA area, you must swing by the new location next Saturday (a week from tomorrow) to get your stripe on. The lovely Elizabeth Antonia of The Littlest is hosting what is sure to be a splendid (groan) affair. See above for details, and hope to see you there!

Shopping Guide: 1. Striped Sandals 2. Striped Dress 3. Striped Tank 4. Striped iPhone Cover 5. Striped Scarf