What was the best Christmas gift you received when you were little? I have a few that stand out (a wooden train set when I was three, my first American Girl doll when I was six) but the one that lives most fondly in my memory is my first-ever big kid bike. It was purple with a banana seat and streamers on the handlebars, and I spent Christmas morning riding it up and down the hall at my grandparents' house. There's no magic quite like that of a new bike.
Because that magic doesn't end when you're grown, I've partnered with Pure City Cycle on my biggest giveaway ever: a new bike for one lucky reader! Pure City is an LA-based company that has mastered the art of the city bike. These babies are perfect for tooling around town in style, whether you want to pedal to work, make a grocery run, or rack up the miles on your local trails.
The winner of this giveaway will receive a $500 credit to select the bike of their choice. The frame shown here is the Clifton, one of Pure City's Classic Bikes, but there's the option of a step-through Dutch bike as well. All the models have sophisticated features like leather saddles and handles, fenders, and a cute little bell. It's like the chic adult version of my old banana seat and streamers!
Since I plan to use my bike for neighborhood errands, I added a crate and basket (Pure City sells fashionable bike accessories too). I took her out for a spin yesterday and boy is she a smooth ride. I might have aged twenty-five years but the kid in me still loves the feel of the wind in my face. Do your inner child a favor and use the widget below to enter this giveaway. Good luck!
the perfect cruisers!
I got a cd player and the first two hanson cds when I was 12…yes, this is a completely honest and somewhat shameful answer ha!
My favorite holiday gift was the American Girl doll I received when I was 5!
Favorite present was either a puppy or a bike. Maybe one day I’ll get both
My favorite present as a kid was a Smurf record player.
my favorite present was a little dog that walked around like a real dog…it was the closest thing i ever had to a real dog. also maybe my gameboy color and pokemon game.
My favorite present was a bike.
I need bike so bad! It would make commuting easier
I think my favorite holiday present was a “bitty baby” by American Girl Doll. I still have it and hope to pass along to my daughter someday!
my dachshund puppy!
felicity from the american girl dolls!
One favorite gift was my Little Tikes dollhouse!! I loved playing with that thing!
What a beautiful bike. This was just added to my Christmas list!
I got a box of craft supplies, redecorating the box was my first project!
Barbies. Always Barbies.
most definitely my Schwinn Bike!
A My Size Barbie, ha!!
My favorite present was a Barbie ballerina jewelry box that I got when I was 5 or 6. It had a little crank in the back that you would turn to listen to it play music. I loved that thing!
new jammies!
My dad made me a stationery box one year that I still use and treasure.
My favorite gift was a Barbie camper van. I actually got out of bed and saw my parents wrapping it so they let me play with it a bit and then wrapped it up again
My favorite present was the Barbie Dreamhouse.
My favorite present was a coca-cola fleece zip up that my dad bought me. I was a teenager, and that zip up was definitely not in fashion at the time, but when I saw how excited he was that he picked that out for me, I immediately loved it – and I wore it all the time.
A tennis racquet
actually my favorite christmas present that i can remember was my first pair of levis. seriously. i thought i was BAD ASS.
i used to love getting art supplies as a kid!
An awesome sled
The book Matilda
I would so love a new bike. This would be perfect!
My favorite gift I can remember was picking out my puppy, he’s now 10 years old and grey around the muzzle, but Blitzen will forever be the best Christmas present I’ve ever received!
What a great giveaway! My favorite present was my pink bike, complete with streamers on the handlebars.
My favorite gift was a blue record player for my 45s. I’m really dating myself here.
My favorite present as a kid was a bicycle, of course!
My favorite present was a Cabbage Patch doll!
My favorite present was a model of the lord of the rings airplane I took to New Zealand
hands down it had to be the wood doll house “Santa” brought me. my mom hand made all of the wood furniture for the house. it was perfect and so full of love!
My favorite Christmas gift was a Barbie Dream Home. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy holidays, lovely Anne! xo
my favorite gift was always barbies. super lame but i loved them!
No doubt…my easy bake oven!!
Thanks for the chance to win! My favorite present were art supplies… crayons (especially the big box!) and markers!
my favorite gift was probably my electric piano…
HAHA my favorite gift was the hair bead kit….and I spent all Christmas morning put plastic glitter beads in my hair!
Best present was a pair of knitted slippers my mom made for me the first Christmas we were apart from my dad. It was just she and I, no money, and she had a coworker teach her to knit specifically so that she could make a gift for me.
Too funny! My favorite gift was a toy dog too. All I wanted for years was a puppy but my brother was allergic. My parents bought me a dog that walked around and acted like a dog. Seems lame now but at the time it was amazing!
A lump of coal.
What a nice looking bike. I have yet to master the art of city cycling. My favorite Christmas gift as a kid was a wooden table and chairs/benches. I loved sitting at the table to read or draw. It was often an important structure for blanket forts.
One year for Christmas I got my own big-girl bike. I’m the youngest of four and used my brother’s old bike with training wheels to learn, so to get my very own pink and purple two-wheeler with streamers on the handle bars and a bell made me feel like the coolest kid in town.
My favorite present was an oversized pink doll’s bed, which was perfect for my huge stuffed elephant! I haven’t thought of that in years
Oh, I just love these. I’ve been on the hunt for a new ride now that my kids can really pedal and get places.
My favorite present was receiving three Barbie dolls from three different sources on my 7th Christmas.
My favorite present was a beanbag chair!
Beautiful bikes!!
Go-Go Baby. She had a car and when it drove, she wiggled as she smiled!
My favorite present was a little toy horse I could rock out on!
My favorite present when I was little was a barbie dream house, for sure!
Love these bikes! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Its so girly, but it has to be the large barbie doll house I got when I was 8!
The best present I can remember is a hand painted bench for my teddy bears that my grandmother gave me.
Ahhh such great bikes! I think my favorite was my samantha American girl doll
My favourite present was all the furniture for barbie’s home! I really loved it!
I got the best little puppy, my little German Short Hair Pointer Jake who brought more joy to our family than you could imagine!!
My grandparents were always the best gift givers.. I looked forward to the excitement of Christmas every year because it meant a new adventure! When I was young, my favorite present from them were my rollerblades
My Barbie dream house. Originally I didn’t care about it and preferred to play with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (major tomboy). I eventually came around to liking Barbie later on and probably jump started my love for fashion.
My favorite present growing up was a play dough pizza maker complete with little mushroom shaped cookie cutters:)
My favourite gift was a soccer shirt from my favourite team, Arsenal.
oooh, i find bike riding soooo peaceful. always have.
gorgeous bike <3 all i want for christmas!
How I miss my old bike! I would love to get a replacement, thanks for this amazing giveaway!
My favorite present had to be my Nintendo. I still have it as a reminder of the simpler times.
My most memorable Christmas gift was my first bicycle at about 9 years old. I’d never had anything so new and sparkly! I loved the freedom of getting on my bike and going for a ride with my brothers.
The Smashing Pumpkins box set in 8th grade was life-changing. But this bike COULD be my next best Xmas gift!
My favorite present was a giant hello kitty stuffed animal!
Is it cliche if I say my easy bake oven? The funny thing is I never actually got to use it, but I remember the joyyyy I had when I opened by gift!
i loved getting the american girl dolls or porcelain precious moments dolls.
My favorite Christmas present was a lavender bike with a white basket, a white seat and nylon ribbons hanging from the white handle bars when I was 8 years old! Beautiful memory!!!
That bike is one I’ve dreamed about owning forever! I would be the chicest girl in my town – running errands on that bike!
favorite holiday presents were books (I began reading at a really early age) and games (hours of time with my brothers and parents).
This a really sweet thing to give away! It’s a major form of transportation for my roomies and I. Fingers crossed!
An electric piano when I was 6, I remember being really excited to open the biggest present under the tree
a cat!
My favorite gift as a child was a nano! completely random to remember but that year, they were out of stock everywhere and my mom managed to track 3 down for me and my siblings