Spring Essential: 70’s Inspired Style

70's style

If you've been around this blog for any length of time you know that I take a minimalist approach to my wardrobe. If I haven't worn something in over a year, it's out the door to Goodwill with nary a second thought. While this is a great system for keeping my minuscule closet in check, it's not so handy when a trend cycles back around and finds me wishing I were a hoarder. Case in point? The wood platform sandals and suede shirt dress to which I recently waved goodbye would have been absolutely en pointe for the 70's vibe that's everywhere this season.

70's style for spring

But it's a head-scratcher, isn't it? How to stay true to the goal of thoughtful consumption while still partaking in trends—without having to rent a public storage unit for those passé purchases that might come back into style one day? If it is indeed possible to have our fashion cake and eat it too, then it starts with choosing pieces that nod to a trend without ascribing to it entirely; investing in quality materials that will only get better with age; eschewing flash and embellishment for clean lines and classic touches. 

70's style inspiration

This season's 70's sensibility provides the perfect example. Sure, you could go all-out with the embroidered suede skirt, the fringe vest, the paper bag skirt. Or, for a more subtle and sustainable impact, you might shop for shapes, colors, and textiles that allude to the look but will still be wearable once the fad passes. A chestnut leather bag or a denim tee have staying power beyond this season, and an A-line dress or sumptuous suede jacket will definitely find a permanent place in your repertoire. Now I wonder if I can get those wood platforms back from the secondhand store?

Shopping Guide: 1. Suede Jacket 2. Black Shirt Dress 3. Platform Sandals 4. MiH Denim Skirt 5. Fringe Handbag 6. Front Pocket Denim Shirt Images: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6