Get Dressed: Last Breath of Summer with Ace & Jig


Do you know about Ace & Jig? Ever since I learned of this label last spring, I've quickly become a devoted fan. There are a million reasons to love what they're doing. Reason number 1 is the material. The pieces are made from cloth that's hand-woven in India on an ancient loom. At a facility with free childcare. Where the workers eat organic produce. Yeah.    


You'd expect fabric that comes from a place of peace to surround you in bliss, and Ace & Jig clothing is the closest you can get to wearing your pajamas in public while looking insanely fashionable at the same time. This dress was so utterly soft and comfy, I wanted to flutter around in it all day. With details like a deep slit up the skirt and a deep vee down the back, I felt, well, kinda hot too.


Which brings me to reason number 3–with the pajama factor as reason number 2, duh. A line that I want to wear 24/7 and that brings out my inner babe? Women must be behind this. And sure enough, founders Cary and Jenna are moms on their second company (they started LaROK together too). So. If those aren't reasons enough to jump aboard, try on Ace & Jig. Then you'll be sold.

Images: Huge thanks to Jenn Emerling for shooting these photos! We shot at the Fairmont San Francisco, in the penthouse no less. I have more photos from that day coming soon and will share lots more on that fabulous location! Other outfit details: Sunglasses, Mezzmer. Purse, Coach. Dress and Necklace are both courtesy of mira mira.

  1. I haven’t come across the Ace & Jig brand in any shops in Europe yet, But i absolutely love the dress in the pictures. Looks very light and comfortable. I will have to check online.

  2. I seriously need to check out the Fairmont. It looks amazing…and so do you, as always.

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