So Charming: Nancy Straughan Hand Printed Textiles

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From time to time an email will land in my inbox that makes me drop what I'm doing, abandon my scheduled blog post, and share something with you immediately. (I think it's the 21st century equivalent of yelling, 'Stop the presses!') This is one of those occasions. Illustrator and textile designer Nancy Straughan just reached out to tell me about her creations. Holy wow!

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I'm utterly, completely, 100% captivated and smitten by these fabrics. A relatively recent art school graduate, Nancy has already made a name for herself in England not only with her textile designs but also with fashion styling, printmaking, bookbinding, the whole gamut of clever creative brilliance. (Plus she's adorable. Check out her bio!)

Nancy-straughan printed textiles

I can only imagine how soft these fabrics are. Don't you want to reach through your screen and touch them? The breadth of Nancy's line is especially lovely–from the brightly colored triangles, perfect for a child's room, to the softer and more subtle prints–there's something for every time and place. Mark my words: Nancy Straughan is one to watch!

  1. Love! Thanks for sharing this find. These prints would make great wallpaper too. What a way to start the weekend 🙂 Have a lovely one!

  2. gorgeous! i’m loving pattern these days. oh and bright colors, even neons. they are giving me energy. have a great weekend anne!

  3. I love the way each pattern seems to intertwine itself, like when we were kids and painted watercolors 🙂

  4. mean I just read through the entire article of yours and it was quite good but since I’m more of a visual learner,I found that to be more helpful.

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