Welcome, 2012!

New years meditations city sage blog 2

Happy New Year! How did you ring in 2012? I was asleep when the clock struck midnight. I've never been one to party the night away, much preferring to rest up and spring from bed on New Year's Day feeling refreshed, bright-eyed, and ready to set the tone for how I want to live the coming weeks and months. But I was delighted when several texts from friends and family awoke me at 12:05 am!

New years meditations city sage blog 3

After a flurry of back-and-forth best wishes, I slept 'til 7 am, then spent a wonderful day yesterday in peaceful yet productive meditation. I organized the kitchen cupboards, went for a long run, took a nap with the kitties, and thought a lot about my 2012 intentions. Because there's nothing like the start of another year to get us reflecting on what we'd like to do differently…

New years meditations city sage blog

For me, 2011 was a huge time of upheaval, and I know that it was for many of you as well. Here's to a 2012 that feels more settled. Here's to creating stability, to taking care of ourselves and of each other, to finding the things big and small that make life easier and more enjoyable for us all. I'll be thinking and sharing more on this topic here, so stay tuned. Cheers to new beginnings!

Images: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10

  1. beautiful thoughts! i agree with you about awaking fresh and bright-eyed on the first day of a new year! no doubt, whatever you have up your pretty sleeve will prove to be an amazing year.

  2. What great things to look forward to in 2012. I’ve been a fan of your blog and Rue for some time and can’t wait to see what comes this year. And I agree, we should spend more time finding things that make life easier and more enjoyable- I know I’ll be working on that!

  3. I so agree with you .. Nothing worse than starting a new year feeling rubbish! I too have had a challenging past year and I’m excited about the good promise of 2012.. Wishing you much happiness, health and success during the forthcoming year.

  4. Happy New Year!
    I loved reading this post. You’re a beautiful writer. Thank you for the reminder on taking care of ourselves and each other… it’s such a simple concept yet we often forget to do the simplest things.
    P.S. I spent my NYE at a yoga studio, which included seated meditation. 🙂 Rock on!

  5. 2011 was, indeed, a tricky year, but it ended on a high note. Cheers to 2012 for you, too!

  6. mean I just read through the entire article of yours and it was quite good but since I’m more of a visual learner,I found that to be more helpful.

  7. We made big pots of pasta and had spaghetti dinners; we had pre-party parties; we had TV watch parties; we had birthday parties; and we had Christmas parties. The photo is from one such Christmas party. It was 1995, and we certainly dressed the part. My closest friends and I baked cookies and breads and made dips and worked tirelessly on our little holiday party menu; we even had an annual ornament exchange. And aren’t we cute?

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