Tools for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

New years resolutions

Have you made any New Year's resolutions? I'm generally hesitant to do so. It's easy to get caught in the New Year's hype and set big expectations, only to end up with a sense of failure. However I do strive always to be my best self, so at any given time I have a number of personal goals. However a fresh new year is the perfect time to assess what's working and what's not. And in 2015 more than ever, my overarching aspiration is to stay present in the moment. After all, we can daydream about a better future, but only with our actions in the here and now can we truly make a difference.

Tools to keep your new year's resolutions

Whether you've made a formal list of resolutions or just want to refocus on existing goals, there's a vast wealth of self-improvement resources to guide you. They range from hokey to genuinely helpful, and what works for one person can seem like rubbish to another. I myself am drawn to a mix of positive pyschology and mindfulness meditation for an approach that appeals both to my intellect and to my spirit. If nothing else, may this be the year we approach ourselves and the world around us with more open and understanding minds!

1. In order to change, you have to believe that change is possible; Mindset shows you how. 2. Accountability is key! Enter your goals into the Strides app and track your progress. 3. Learn the science of Willpower to maximize your own self-control—and cut yourself a break when it falters. 4. 10% Happier: If a top anchor in the high-stress world of TV news can learn to stay in the moment, then truly anyone can. 5. When Things Fall Apart App: My favorite meditation book now has an app that includes readings by the author! 6. Keep a pretty journal handy for everything from planning menus and workouts to recording your daily successes. Images: 1. 2.

  1. Where did you find the desktop calendar? So cute!

  2. I can totally relate to that sense of failure with forgotten or abandoned resolutions, so I switched to monthly ones. Much easier to keep going with a shorter time-frame!
    I could still use a pretty journal, though. I am a sucker for beautiful stationery and paper items!

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