Lookbook Lust: Shopbop and Citizens of Humanity

Citizens of humanity shopbop lookbook 2

Are you feeling this season's dark and sultry 70's inspiration? I certainly am. From fashion to interiors, I just can't get enough. With its palette of spices–cumin and saffron, tumeric and cinnamon–and its dramatic silouettes–lean sexy lines and flowing curves–this vibe has me hooked. So of course I'm swooning for the Citizens of Humanity lookbook at Shopbop.

Citizens of humanity shopbop lookbook 3

The recipe? Take two parts Russian spy, mix in a bohemian wanderer's fascination with the outdoors, add a piquant dash of the absurd, and you'll find yourself with sunlit autumn afternoons marked by strolls through fallowing fields, tall suede boots warming your feet, a fur collar warming your neck, and the thought of the coming holiday season warming your soul.

Citizens of humanity shopbop lookbook

Of course the whole point of the lookbook is to get me excited about Citizens of Humanity jeans, but Shopbop didn't have to do this gorgeous photo shoot for that–I'm such a loyal devotee of my Citizens Thompson skinny jeans. Think the perfect slightly higher waist and never pinching slim fit. Now perhaps a pair of wine-hued velvet flares is calling my name…?

Fashion images: Shopbop. Interiors images: Marie Claire Maison.

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  2. She’s half of the duo behind The Nonfiction Detectives and I’ll bet you’ll never guess her favorite genre.Nonfiction! Freaky coincidence, right?

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