A few weeks ago I attended Mighty Summit. I haven't blogged about it yet because, well, I'm still mulling over my experience there and I suspect I will for some time to come. In a nutshell: Mighty Summit is an annual retreat for female creatives, a chance to build relationships and set goals, collaborate and support each other. It was…dare I say…life changing?
The weekend consisted of lots of fun (hot tubbing, wine tasting, frito eating) but culminated in the serious business of sharing five items from our Life Lists–aspirations both large and small we'd like to meet in our lifetimes. It was humbling to hear from the artists, authors, and entrepreneurs I'd spent the past few days with, and terrifying to share my own goals…
Terrifying because lately I'm afraid even to set goals. Afraid that if I say what I want out loud, and it doesn't happen, then the pain of disappointment will be worse than the pain of inaction. But frankly, we were all scared as we bared ourselves that weekend, and that was what made our sharing so powerful. So here are my five goals. I'm saying them out loud. And it frightens the poop outta me.
For more info on Mighty Summit and the awesomeness that surrounds it, head to Go Mighty. It's the business. Top three photos: Maile Wilson.
You can do it! I definitely feel you on the scariness factor of saying goals out loud. And I did Tough Mudder here in Seattle this past weekend, and while it was difficult, it was SO much fun, and I may even do it again next year. I definitely recommend doing it with a team of friends, to help boost you over the tall obstacles and to help keep up morale. Good luck!
Sounds like a wonderfully empowering weekend. Good luck on all your goals.
let me know when you want to go real camping 🙂
your goals are admirable and brave. I’m sending you hugs, virtual support, and lots of high-fives!!
Wow, sounds like an amazing experience! Goals are scary because they involve change and change is scary. But sometimes we’ve just got to leap and hope a net appears. No one ever succeeded in doing anything without stepping out of their comfort zone 🙂
Love this Anne. I’m with you. It’s so hard to say goals out loud, let alone share them. So good on you. I know you will meet them. I just know it! Thanks for being transparent…it only helps others to do the same! xo . trina
I appreciate you sharing these even though it’s scary because lately I’ve been feeling exactly the same. I feel like I’ve been full-force avoiding the good things that will push me forward for fear of falling short. It’s nice to know that people I look up to, whose abilities and talents I admire, struggle through the same fears. Best of luck!
Congrats to you, Anne.
I went 10 years ago to a retreat for women only.
In the redwoods for 10 day’s. Most day’s were raining cats & dogs… I learn so much about myself, the world and what I had & must do to
give back to this world.
But it one most figure out for themselves what you want and what you have to give.
I am so happy that you started on your journey!
Ox. Maureen
Wow! That looks mighty indeed! Beautiful photos. Good luck with everything.
May I ask, why is one of your goals to live alone for a year? Aren’t you married?
Those are super goals!
Go you!! What an amazing retreat. Loved this inspiring post Anne and in fact, I was actually inspired to write a list of 30 goals before I turn 30 this week (similar to your life goals)… turning 27 recently was a bit scary. Like I’m supposed to start having everything figured out? Hope you’re doing well! x