Meet Neptún Magazine!

Neptun magazine

Have you been to Iceland? I haven't, but it's at the top of my travel wishlist for sure. Everything coming out of that country seems to straddle the precarious line between arrestingly avant-garde and utterly gorgeous. And Neptún Magazine, the island's latest creative export, is no exception. I can't wait to get my hands on this print journal devoted to design, architecture, and visual arts. Oh, and no worries if you don't read Icelandic. The magazine is in English too!   

Here's the rub: Neptún hasn't been printed yet. That's where curious readers like you and I come in! The magazine has started a crowdfunding campaign to cover the costs of transferring the first issue from the digital to the material world. It's a pretty straightforward proposition. Buy a copy now, and you'll receive it copy when the editors reach their funding goal. I've got a feeling about this publication…if nothing else I'm getting my copy so I can say I knew them when!  

  1. Oh this looks great! I have a special place in my heart for Iceland; I have traveled there twice and it is so bizarre and inspiring and truly incredible. Thanks for the tip.

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