New Year’s Resolution: Make the Most of the Flea Market

Vintage decor inspiration

Last week I told you about my 2014 plan to get more rest. My second resolution—to visit the flea market more often—may seem counter to the goal of fulfilling my weekly lounging quotient. But hear me out! I'm not talking about a crack-of-dawn, elbow-your-competitors approach to flea marketing. In fact, I'll be leaving my money at home and strolling up around noon, coffee in hand and eyes peeled for inspiration. This is flea marketing for the soul!

Flea market finds

The trip I took yesterday to the Melrose Trading Post perfect exemplifies what I mean. I lingered for over an hour in the booth of my dear friends Jessica and Jonathan of Disregarden and simply focused on my surroundings without feeling the pressure to buy. My time spent reveling in the textures and colors of bygone eras left me with mind abuzz and heart aglow. 

Succulents and vintage decor

The castoffs of the past possess a magical ability to ignite our imaginations. I love to pick up an object, feel its weight, and wonder what hands it has passed through in its lifetime. Add to that the connection sparked by this shared sense of curiosity (one of my favorite moments yesterday was a spirited discussion over the possible function of a mystery object) and you've got yourself a seriously enriching hobby. No purchase necessary!

  1. My fiance loves flea markets, antique/vintage stores, estate sales and “junk stores.” I’m slowly warming up to it. 😉 We love vintage cameras and have now amassed five really cool (albeit completely non-functioning) cameras. You can definitely see the quality of these goods from yesteryear…makes you wonder if there are many things from our generation that will be desirable in 40-50 years?

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