Welcome to the In-Between

Lazy weekend

The first couple weeks of January can be tough. The delights and distractions of holiday revelries have faded into the distant past, the novelty of a fresh new year has worn off, and the darkness of mid-winter looms before us. So we start counting the minutes until Valentine's Day, Spring Break, the Oscars, anything to lift the lull.

Weekend breakfast

But the reality is, our existence will never be an endless stream of Pinterest-worthy highs or tabloid-esque lows. Much of life, in fact, is comprised of the in-between times so perfectly exemplified by the temporal vacuum that is January. If we spend our days awaiting the victories and the tragedies, we will one day know the surest tragedy of all: that we've moved through life in continual anticipation of something else…and that something else that never arrived. 

Cozy weekend essentials

The good news? It's never too late to stop playing the waiting game. Start by anchoring yourself in the present with sensory experiences that still your wandering mind. Brew a cup of tea and observe every detail, from the heat that radiates through your mug to the essence of Earl Grey on your tongue. Paint your nails with a precision that requires nothing less than your full attention (may I humbly suggest my shibori-inspired nail art tutorial?) And last but not least, pause in thanks to January for reminding us that the in-between is our most precious time of all.

P.S. A little weekend reading from my other gigs around the web! Tips for how to layer rugs, fun lighting for the global look, and the easiest DIY home spa trick. Images: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

  1. I am a long time follower of your blog and this us the most beautiful post I have ever read! Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. I absolutely love this post, it’s so true and completely lovely. My January has definitely been tough but just trying to make the most of the little things!
    Your photos are beautiful!

  3. Beautifully written and compelling, thank you for sharing. In our multitasking Instapintweet world it is all the more easy to live consuming rather than consumed by the beauty of life observed unfolding all around.

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