The Best Instagrams to Follow: Mother’s Day Edition

Minimalist instagrams

Confession: I've been known to unfollow Instagram feeds if new baby photos become more the norm than the exception. While I do love bouncing bundles of joy as much as the next girl, but I definitely don't need to see naptime drool from every possible angle. That said, I appreciate Instagrammers who smoothly incorporate scenes of family life into the mix. A few in particular elevate the trials and tribulations of mothering to an artform.

Rustic instagrams

In Minneapolis, Johnna Holmgren shares her daily adventures with adorable daughter Luella Beane and talented chalk artist husband; keep an eye out for grumpy kitty cameos. Meanwhile in Asheville, Jen Altman gives as a peak at life raising three spirited daughters—complete with road trips, birthday sleepovers, and tree swings. 

Vintage inspired instagrams

Southern Califorina's Kristin Rogers already has a sizeable following, but no post on family-oriented Instagrams would be complete without her. Recurring themes include boundless imagination, bathtime shenanigans, and a T. Rex who has a nasty habit of popping into the frame and baring his teeth. While I'm nowhere near having little ones of my own, a scroll through her photos inspires me to get outside for some playground time of my own!

  1. You have such lovely taste Anne — I could get lost on these feeds! (And really need to overhaul my Instagram ;))

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