Weekend Reading Roundup

Baking from Top with Cinnamon

I had one of those weeks. From my health to my finances, bad news piled up 'til all I wanted to do was retreat to my bed. Then today I spotted a kitten lying in the middle of the street. I ran into oncoming traffic and wrapped the little guy in a blanket from my trunk. He was so very tiny and so very still, and though he was clearly already gone I simply didn't have the heart to leave his body where it would be crushed. As I took him to my neighborhood vet and paid the $15 cremation fee, I realized that this small act was the highlight of my week—that when chaos comes knocking all we need is an opportunity to stand up for love and dignity. And the more attuned we are to the world around us, the more those opportunities present themselves.

Lazy saturday morning

Anyhoo, that's my soapbox moment for the day. Needless to say I'm pretty excited about the weekend for some lazy day lounging and some baking from the new Top With Cinnamon cookbook. I've been using Bloglovin to keep up with all my favorite blogs (if you wanted to follow The City Sage with Bloglovin I'd be so appreciative!) and I've saved a few of the week's faves to share!

Have a good one, friends! xo 

  1. How brave of you to save the kitten and so sad that it was so ill. You are my hero! That cinnamon cook book would be the perfect Christmas gift for my cinnamon obsessed friend – she is addicted to cinnamon gum, of all things!

  2. So sad about the kitten! Good on ya for doing the right thing (and it WAS the right thing)!
    I hope that act sets the next week up for all good things.

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