More Desert Adventure with GMC Yukon

All packed for a desert adventure

Did you catch this morning's post about my roadtrip to Joshua Tree with five friends and the GMC 2015 Yukon? As promised, here's part two! After an afternoon of exploring, we settled on a spot to get down to the real reason we'd hit the road: taking care of the important business of making s'mores, sipping hot cocoa, and enjoying each other's company around the campfire. 

Roasting marshmallows

The trick to car camping is to strike the perfect balance between having what you need but not bringing the kitchen sink with you. In our case this meant loading the trunk of the 2015 Yukon with a cooler of snacks, blankets and folding stools to sit on—and still having plenty of space for camera equipment, a guitar, and everyone's personal belongings. The push-button operation of the folding seats came in handy for loading and unloading our stuff (and also were just generally insanely fun to operate…my inner five-year-old couldn't stop playing with all the automated features on the fully-loaded Yukon.)

Churro s'mores

The night before our trip as I was gathering supplies, a lightbulb went off in my brain. S'mores are delicious, and churros are delicious. Why not make s'mores with churros instead of graham crackers for the ultimate Franken-dessert? I just happen to live very close to the place to get churros in LA, and I ordered two dozen round ones to make s'mores with. Driving two hours into the desert knowing that those were stowed in the trunk was sweet torture indeed!

Desert camping

However as tasty as our treats were, the best part of the trip was the chance to escape the city together and take in the scenery. We sat around the fire and listened to the strains of Jayden's guitar as the sunk sank below the horizon, chatting and monitoring our marshmallows carefully lest they catch fire. It was such a special day, one that I'll remember for a long time indeed!

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the GMC 2015 Yukon. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep The City Sage going! Photo Credit: Echo and Earl. Styling: Disregarden. P.S. We lit our campfire with advance permission on private property, and we cleared the area of brush and made sure we had adequate water nearby. Please don't start fires in hazardous or protected areas, and always take the proper fire safety precautions! 

  1. Joshua Tree is on my wish list of places to visit in the near future, and these images make it that much harder to wait patiently for the trip : ) And your s’mores with churros idea is great! I might have to give it a try on my trip up to Vermont over Thanksgiving.

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