Style Essential: The Blanket Scarf

Loving oversized scarves

One of my favorite classes in college focused on the material history of the Middle Ages, with the topic of medieval dress fascinating me the most. The sheer variety of accoutrements from the period is nearly impossible to count, with items such as capes, wraps, and headdresses having inummerable subtle variations of fit, fold, and fastening. As the era progressed and costume became increasingly elaborate, it wasn't unusual for the tail of a shawl or hat to fall well past the floor. Men and women alike even carried their money in the long pointed tips of their hoods!

Oversized blanket scarves

Lately it seems that fashion history is repeating itself, reaching far into the distant past for inspiration. Scarves seem to grow more massive every day! The 'blanket scarf' is on everyone's lips—and around everyone's necks—connoting an accessory that's not only cozy enough to snuggle into for the winter, but also one that's literally large enough to use as a bedspread as well. Not that I'm complaining, of course. I'm a fan of anything that enables impromptu napping!

Oversized plaid blanket scarves

This season the range of options for turning yourself into a human burrito rivals the number of pleats in a medieval chaperone's wimple. I myself am partial to those in plaid since they're a handy way to add pattern to my usual basics, but a solid chunky knit has its appeal too. And in this case, size does matter, with the biggest options measuring seven feet or longer! If you're in a pinch, just grab the afghan from your granny's couch and call it a day. Bonus points if you carry your debit card in its folds!

Shopping Guide: 1. Buffalo Check Scarf 2. Plaid Blanket Scarf 3. Cream Plaid Scarf 4. Fringe Shawl Scarf 5. Textured Extra-Long Scarf 6. Burberry Blanket Scarf Images: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

  1. I bought my first blanket scarf this season. I’m not sure I will ever go back to any regular old scarf now. In love.

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