The Best Instagrams to Follow: Spring Flowers Edition

Instagram flowers

Although spring is still a little ways off, the arrival of March has me hotly anticipating the coming season. Sure, living in Los Angeles has me pretty spoiled when it comes to warm temps, fresh produce, and plenty of sunshine. But there's something that even 80-degree days and year-round strawberries can't create, and that's the energy and promise of spring.

Flowers on instagram

So get in the swing of spring and enjoy a little piece of its promise through the magic of Instagram! These three 'grammers are not only fluent in the language of flowers, they capture their blossoms and blooms with a lightness of spirit that will have you throwing open the windows to let in the breeze. At top is Kate Tweedie of Netherleigh Blog, a sweet-as-pie Aussie whose crisp, clean photos astound me with their simple beauty.  

Romantic flower arrangements

Next up is Emily Quinton, whose floral photography comprises her 'daily creative meditation'. Emily's extreme close-ups and thoughtfully styled vignettes are self-expression at its finest! Finally, my lovely friend Jess Taylor is a self-taught designer and floral artist with a rustic, romantic style and a knack for crafting wild, bountiful arrangements. Follow them and don't be surprised if you find counting the days 'til peonies arrive at Trader Joe's!