Makeup for Freckles with Bare Minerals Complexion Rescue

Glowing makeup for freckles

Growing up I hated my freckles. They'd begin as a dusting on my nose each spring, and by summer's end the sun would have scattered them across my face, down my chest, over my arms, even to my knees. I wanted desperately to be like my friends who turned a smooth, golden bronze—or at least like the ones with unmarred porcelain skin—but neither tanning oils nor the highest SPF could keep the dreaded spots at bay. Magazine articles with tips for covering or eliminating freckles only cemented my belief that my ruddy, mottled complexion was a defect that needed fixing. For years I hid behind a heavy layer of lighteners, foundations, and powders.

Bare minerals complexion rescue

Over time, though, I've come to terms with my freckles. The acceptance started not with a conscious effort, but rather with a growing awareness that there are much more important things to worry about in life. I got fed up with fighting a losing battle over something so insignificant, so I tossed my armor of bleaching creams and cakey makeup. And as it turns out, throwing in the towel was the first step in learning to love my freckles. Once I stopped trying to 'fix' them, I was able to see them for what they are: a reflection of my heritage, a connection to my family through our shared features, and a unique component of my individuality. Today I can say that I wouldn't trade my freckles for anything! 

Natural beauty

Now I embrace the arrival of my freckles each spring. So when Bare Minerals asked me to try their new Complexion Rescue, I was thrilled to see that the product is designed with the goal of celebrating and enhancing natural beauty, rather than covering perceived flaws. It combines the best of a tinted moisturized, BB, and CC—and with its sheer, buildable coverage and lightweight hydration, Complexion Rescue leaves skin looking and feeling like the best version of itself. Whether you're freckled, tan, porcelain, or something equally gorgeous, it's makeup that makes you feel beautiful for being exactly who you are! 

Disclosure: This post is brought to you in collaboration with Bare Minerals. I received compensation and product in exchange for creating this content. Thank you for supporting the brands that help keep The City Sage going! Photos 1 + 3: Dana Grant Photography. Hair and Makeup by Erica of 1011 Makeup.

  1. You’re not the only one desperate to get rid of the freckles. My sister is too. But, as I can see in the last months, she started living with them, ignoring and taking them as part of her body, making her unique.

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