New Home Decor from Rebecca Atwood

Rebecca atwood spring 2015

From big box furniture stores to independent artisans, I love to pour over the new decor releases each season, imagine how I'd use them in my own home, incorporate them into photo shoots, or simply appreciate them as lovely objects unto themselves. And there's no designer whose work I await more enthusiastically than Rebecca Atwood. The talented textile designer never fails to impress and inspire with her beautifully patterned pillows and fabrics!

Rebecca atwood pillows

So when an email landed in my inbox announcing the Spring 2015 release of Rebecca Atwood pillows, I did a major happy dance. Rebecca's signature touches are all in attendance: the refined yet relaxed prints, the harmonious mix-and-match sensibility, the painterly romance of it all. Yet an evolution is apparent as well. The collection feels like a broader offering than ever before, as Rebecca stretches herself both as an artist and as an entrepreneur.  

Rebecca atwood throw pillows

Just as good as the pieces themselves are Rebecca's words describing their inspiration: "This collection began on a lazy weekend…The moment when the sunshine pours through the window creating speckled and gridded patterns across the room inspired the collection. Soft diffused light that changes with the wind creating a range of hues: soft lilac grays, minty greens, deep teal, cobalt blue, and a midnight blue-purple. This small moment of the day is one that always goes too quickly." Indeed, those moments of bliss always do pass too quickly. How fortunate we are that Rebecca has translated our fleeting joys into tangible objects so we can relish them indefinitely!

Photos: Emily Johnston

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